peace that passes understandingPeace When there is No Peace

Appearances can be deceptive. Living on a “peaceful” island we may be unaware of the devastation others are experiencing due to hurricanes or flooding. Scripture speaks to us of the peace that passes understanding. This is a peace or wholeness that comes from God. We have this peace in spite of fearful, troubling circumstances. In the world we will face problems, difficulties, and disappointments. But Jesus promises us peace and contentment. This is not because we do not suffer with the world at times. Rather, in our suffering we trust in God and his promises. Whether we face the destructive forces of nature, or are embroiled in the midst of ethnic tensions or warfare, the peace that passes understanding comes from our hope in God.

Peace in a Time of Cyber Warfare

But there is a new war on a variety of battlefronts than many now face. It is the battle for the mind. Foreign Policy magazine warns of the ever-evolving nature of modern warfare and the “hacking” of people’s minds. In the past power was defined by military forces with weaponry and divisions of soldiers. The new war seeks to reshape the fabric of reality through the effective attention-getting power of the media. In the “like” wars virality trumps veracity. Accuracy, truthfulness, and faithfulness lose ground as the line between reality and perception become blurred. In this battle for the hearts and minds what is a Christian to do?

Jesus Counters Duplicity and Deceit

The peace that we have in Christ is not grounded in worldly material knowledge. It is God’s spirit of power, love, and a sound mind that gives us peace. How? In Jesus day he dealt with the purveyors of “fake news.” Jesus knew their manipulative deceptive tactics. He taught by example how to separate fact from fiction. When questioned about his allegiance, Jesus deftly brought the truth of scripture to light and confounded his accusers. “Give to Caesar what is his, and to God what is God’s!” Just as Christ did, we must also reject the “peace” offered by “Caesar” and find our peace in God. We have this same ability to experience peace of mind through the power of the truth that sets us free from the lawless ways of society.

Experiencing God’s Peace

Like the zealots of Jesus’ day, if we are a combattant in the “war of words” in the world we will not find God’s peace. Paul warns against getting caught up in the anger and bitterness of the age that will destroy peace. We must not become a “bot” in other people’s campaigns of deception, for this will harden our hearts and rob us of peace. Rather, having been renewed with God’s mind, we are to speak the truth of God in love. Our objective is to build up others with wholesome words. We are to be a blessing to others bringing them into the unity and peace of God’s fellowship. God’s peace is found in the minds of those who are kind, forgiving, and tenderhearted. So why is there no real peace in the world? Real peace, peace that passes understanding, can only come from developing the mind and heart of God.

How are you faring on the cyber battlefield?

Peace: Fruit of the Spirit