Are we willingly engaged in the Lord’s service? We are free to choose who we will serve, but we will serve someone or something. We have many examples of compelled service in scripture, as often the people of God lived under oppressive governments with laws that included forced labour. God on the other hand, gives us freedom to choose. He asks those who serve him to do so willingly, even joyfully. He wants his people to be conscientious and motivated by love to serve voluntarily and not out of compulsion. It is important to God that our service is whole-hearted and flows from a desire to follow Christ’s example of service to others. Once we begin on the road to worship God there will be no end to our life’s work in the Lord’s service. Have we made that commitment yet? Learn more from the scriptures about a life of service to God.

Learn more about our mission and vision as God’s servants:
The Power of One


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It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.