From the beginning the Lord’s intent was that his people would live in the presence of God, and become holy as God is holy. He desired a close intimate family relationship with those he would call to dwell with him. He walked and talked with Abraham, he spoke to his people Israel from the mountain top, and he conferred directly with Moses and the elders of the nation.
At that time, the people had entered into a covenant relationship with God as their King/Father and had promised to live in God’s presence. They promised to obey his commandments and follow his instructions. Yet, within weeks, they had forgotten God and fallen back into the familiar routine of worshipping idols in the form of a golden calf. Could they return to dwell in God’s presence?

Yet, God’s mercy did not fail because the people were unfaithful. Rather, he forgave them and provided a physical reminder of God’s daily presence in the cloud and the fire. He also instructed them to build a tabernacle, and the people having experienced God’s mercy, freely gave of their wealth to make the tabernacle a reality. They were careful to construct it just as God had directed and to perform the sacrifices as prescribed. These concrete teaching tools helped them understand the awareness and self-control required to dwell in the presence of God.

Solomon’s temple was a further refinement on this biblical theme, as the people once again rededicated themselves to living in the presence of God. But as followers of Christ, our Messiah, God wants more than an outward show of obedience and animal sacrifices. God wants our obedience to flow from our love of his ways, a pure heart, and an appreciation of Christ’s sacrifice in our stead.
Living in the presence of God we will be following in the footsteps of our father Abraham who walked with God wholeheartedly.

Learn more:
Searching for the Spirit of God


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