day-of-decisionDay of Decision

A recent decision in the BC Supreme Court underscored the clash between the BC Law Society and Trinity Western University, over their “community covenant” that forbids sexual relationships outside of heterosexual marriage. The courts decision has ruled in favour of the university and freedom of religion saying, “A society that does not admit and accommodate differences cannot be a free and democratic society: One in which its citizens are free to think, to disagree, to debate and to challenge the accepted view without fear of reprisal.” So, for the moment, their is a sigh of relief for those in Canada who value their liberty rights to freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and freedom of association. But what does the future hold?

Jeremiah and the Day of Decision

In the time of Jeremiah, when the people of Judah were facing invasion by the forces of Babylon, Jeremiah brought an unwelcome message from God, and as a result, there were those in power who wanted to kill him. Yet there were also those who feared God, like Ahikam, who supported and protected God’s servant. A cursory look at the history of Israel and Judah, helps us realize that in the Day of Decision, God’s decrees will prevail.

Casting Lot’s in the Day of Decision

Tuesday November 8th in election years is a day of decision in the United States, and the outcome always has profound consequences in the life of the nation and individuals. This year is no different. After the political circus of past months wouldn’t it be a change to adopt the biblical policy of casting lots, to ask God’s guidance on this important day of decision.

A Future Day of Decision

The prophet Zephaniah prophesied of that future Day of Decision that will come for the descendants of Israel, a day in which the proud and arrogant who reject the Lord, will be called to account. But those who are humble, those who look to the Lord for deliverance, who do not trust in lies or deceit, will find refuge and deliverance in that day.

Praying for Our Leaders: It Makes a Difference