core christianity trunk of the treeFinding the Trunk of the Tree of Christianity

Can we worship God as we please? Or is there a ‘core Christianity’ that believers must embrace and profess? The multi-culturalism of our day is not unlike that of the society of Paul’s day. He wrote to warn Christians of the dangers of embracing useless philosophies. These ideas were not grounded in the truth, but in human reasoning and wisdom. “Don’t be deceived,” Paul cautioned, for the solid foundation of all wisdom and knowledge could only be found in Christ. Only Christ embodied the fullness of God, and faithfully represented the Father. He alone was given authority over every power in heaven and earth. So are we listening to him alone?

Jesus Christ the Cornerstone

The apostle John, affirmed Paul’s assertion and stated that Jesus Christ was the only way to truth, and eternal life. It was only through Christ that believers could have access to God the Father. Jesus was that cornerstone that the people had rejected, but he was the only one who had the power to save them. John penned the now famous verse, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever should believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
But it would seem that many Christians neither believe, nor understand the grand implications of this text. They have not embraced the message of core Christianity.

What does it mean to ‘Believe?’

The kind of ‘believing’ that is required is more than an altar call, or a verbal acknowledgment of Christ as Lord. This kind of believing must be continual and constant, without doubt or wavering. It is a deeply held inner conviction, but it also has an outward manifestation. It is a faith that transforms both thought and action. This faith springs from a certainty that God loves us, and results in our loving our neighbour. Believing faith is faith in action. It is obedient to God’s teachings and commands, and seeks to fulfill his will. It is belief grounded in the knowledge of who Christ is, and what he requires of those who call themselves by his name. This belief is the essence of core Christianity

What is the Reward that Believers Anticipate?

To those who have this obedient, active, belief there is a great reward. Their Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, was the pioneer who tasted death in our stead. And he is now at the Father’s right hand as High priest offering the hope of resurrection to all who have believing obedience. This hope of the resurrection was one that all of the apostles awaited. They trusted that having been written in Christ’s book of life, Christ would have the power to resurrect them to eternal life. It is only through Christ, the firstborn of many brethren, that we have this hope of everlasting life with God, as sons and daughters of the Father. Do you have that faith with works that Christ is expecting of his disciples?

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