all lives matter2
All Lives Matter to God

This is a time when people all across the colour spectrum are angry about real and perceived injustice, yet there is a solution to the present turmoil in race relationships created by recent shootings of police and civilians, . These racial tensions are spawning a cancer of fear, hatred, and separatism that if unchecked will kill the body, so we need to know the remedy!

Christians should not be involved in disseminating the hatred or perpetuating the divisive spirit that is a sign of our times. Through faith in Christ and in covenant with the Father we are all of Abraham’s seed and children of God by adoption, thus the barriers, the differences between us, have been eliminated.

But it is not enough to have this knowledge, rather we must put it into action, changing our hearts and lives so we will not be destroyed with those who are feeding on bitterness and hatred. In a time when retaliation and vengeance are widespread we are called to spiritual perfection, to turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and love not only our brothers, but also our enemies. We are called to be empowered by the Word of God and not manipulated by the media, and the attitudes of those around us. Will we choose to love God, and our neighbours, because all lives matter to God?

Avoiding the Pitfalls