Author: COG Webcast

Scripture or Social Proof

Scripture or Social Proof from cogwebcast on Vimeo. “Social proof” is a very powerful motivating force in society. It is just so natural for us to get our cues for behaviour from those in our social group. We do not want to be...

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God’s Providence

God’s providence from cogwebcast on Vimeo. God’s Providence. How does God work in our lives? Many people are currently facing severe difficulties this spring due to the flooding in Manitoba and along the Mississippi River....

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Who is Your Rock?

Who is Your Rock from cogwebcast on Vimeo. In Japan, siesmologists and engineers were astounded by the amount of destruction caused by “liquefaction” in areas where buildings were built on fill or sandy soils. In the...

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Spirit of Service

Spirit of Service from cogwebcast on Vimeo. So what is real success? Christ turned the notions of his day upside-down by declaring that the disciples’ view of “leadership,” patterned after the Roman model, was...

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Preparing for Passover

Preparing for Passover from cogwebcast on Vimeo. The story of scripture is a “good news” “bad news” story. That is why the apostle Paul admonishes us to examine ourselves. This self-reflection is of...

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Sabbath and Saviour

Sabbath and Savior from cogwebcast on Vimeo. Jesus Christ, the Saviour, began his ministry with reading an important passage of scripture from the scroll of Isaiah on the Sabbath in his hometown of Nazareth. Jeff Patton explains...

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Coming Near to God

Coming Near to God from COG Webcast on Vimeo. God has great expectations of those who serve Him and desire to draw near to him. Jeff Patton takes you on a journey through the scriptures describing a time during the Persian...

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