Is the Bible Fake News or Good News.

historicity of the bibleSkeptics and Fake News

We live in an age of skepticism and the target of many skeptics is God, and the veracity of his Word. The Bible has come under attack as “lacking historicity” or not being true to the “record of archaeology.” But is this fact, or just more fake news. Recently, researchers have published their findings regarding the presence of Canaanite genetics in modern nations in the Middle East. They boldly asserted that these findings contradict direct statements from scripture. But did they get their facts straight? And does the archaeological and genetic evidence confirm or refute the biblical accounts?

God’s Advice to the Nation of Israel

It is true, that according to God’s instructions to Moses, the nation of Israel was to eliminate the Canaanites in battle, when they entered their promised land. God specifically commanded this because of the wickedness of the Canaanites. They were known for their practice of child sacrifice, cannibalism, and sexual practices that God deemed repulsive. He instructed Israel not to have pity. And warned them of the consequences of mixing with the Canaanite people and conforming to their pagan religious practices. So did Israel do as God commanded? The books of Joshua and Judges are dramatic testimonies to Israel’s failure to do as God commanded.

Jesus and the Canaanites

But the story does not end in the time of the Judges. The nation of Israel continued to suffer for disobeying God in this matter. However, the fact that the Canaanites survived, is biblical confirmation of the genetic and archaeological evidence that scientists have discovered. The Bible is not a false narrative. Rather, those who purport that the bible is unreliable are the real purveyors of “fake news.” The bible recounts that the Canaanites were present in Jesus day in the area of Tyre and Sidon. Some of the Canaanites were disciples, and people of faith. And that was truly “good news” for all believers.

So is the bible fake news or good news? You need to know what the scriptures really say before you can decide.

More about the bible and history
Archaeology and the Bible