words have powerA Time to Speak

Walking With God comes with a Responsibility

God’s wisdom tells us that there is a time for everything, a season for silence and a time to speak
As those called by God’s mercy into a relationship with him, we begin a new life of walking with God. We are to live by every word of God. Like the ancient nation of Israel, God advises all who believe in him to choose life — obeying his teachings, and loving his ways. And as parents and grandparents one of those commands is to speak with our children about our walk with God.

Teachable Moments

One of the characteristics of young children is their “teachability.” God encourages parents and teachers to use every teachable moment to share our knowledge about God and how he has worked in our lives. The goal is to keep God and his ways in the forefront of our minds. Our diligent efforts should be directed towards living a godly life and sharing our life’s experiences. There can be no hypocrisy in teaching. Our children must see the clear application of God’s principles and the blessings of choosing God’s way of life.

When the Student is Ready

To all who have been given the “tongue of a teacher” there is the duty to comfort and strengthen the student with God’s words. As teachers we must always speak the truth in love, with the right tone, and demeanour. We need to reflect before we speak. We must weigh our words, using just the right phrasing to encourage and support others. There will be those who may be offended when the truth is spoken, but that should not keep us from speaking up when the time is right. When it is a time to speak, are we making the most of our opportunity?

Christian Growth