prepared to give an answer

Be Careful What You Say

Christ, the Lord of our lives, wants us to be prepared to give an answer to others. The Lord is our shelter and sanctuary.  When men ask us questions about our faith, we are to respond as if we were in God’s presence. For, we will have to give account to the Lord for our words. We are his ambassadors. The answer we give is to be an “apologia” — a well reasoned-argument with compelling proof. The Lord is asking us to be prepared to give a logical defence. But there is more to it than an intellectual response.

Be Careful How You Say, What You Say.

When we engage with others in discussing our belief in God and His purpose, we are instructed to do it in a specific way. With godly fear, “phobos,” so as to give an answer that would be approved by God. As Christ’s ambassadors, we must speak respectfully with gentleness. Why? Our goal is to exhibit God’s love for others with our words. So in accordance with our prime directives, our answers should encourage with wholesome words. We are to express love for God and neighbour. Are we prepared to give an answer to everyone?

Who’s the Audience?

As God’s servants, we must not quarrel. Yet, there are those who would like to drag us into foolish speculations, and endless controversies. God advises us to avoid this kind of argumentation. Instead, we are to be gentle, kind, and patient with everyone. We need to understand our audience, their prejudices, attitudes, and motivations. Then, we can answer with wisdom. Different people need different approaches. God is the one who qualifies us to speak on his behalf. He makes us sufficient and prepared to give an answer. One that will be engaging and fresh to those who are truly desirous of knowing more about God and his way of life.

The Work, Our Witness, Your Mission