power of truth or art of liesArt of the Lie or Power of Truth?

We are living in what some have called the era of “Post-truth Politics” – when people put their reliance on assertions that may “feel” true, but in reality have no basis in fact. As Christians however, we must consider Christ’s words to the religious of his time who were also deaf to the truth, and had bought into the lies and half-truths of their society – those ideas that on the surface seemed plausible, but were in reality, spiritual darkness. It is only the truth that sets us free, and anything less than the truth results in bondage. So our choice becomes clear we must know the source of truth, “alethia” – reality, the way the universe really is – or we will default to a life based on illusion. So what is the power of truth?

Recent archaeological evidence can allay the fears of some that the bible – the word of God – in its present form has been altered and is no longer the truth, for digital scans of a 2400 year old scroll of Leviticus confirm that our present day text is wholly in harmony with the ancient text. So we have the word of truth and the question is whether we will live it, or just talk about it.

When we build our spiritual house on the bedrock of the truth we must do more than “know and speak” the truth, we must “do” the truth. Because the storms will come and we will only stand if we have a solid foundation on the Rock, the Word of God, and the truth of scripture. Isaiah, writes an important message to the ancient house of Israel in Samaria, that is both a warning and an encouragement to Christians who live in an age when the civil leadership conceals itself in deception and finds refuge in lies.

We must look to the Lord, the source of truth, for God is looking for those who love the truth and build their lives on justice and righteousness. Joshua also understood the importance of trusting in the God of truth as he did battle with the 5 kings of Canaan who sought to destroy the Gibeonites, a people that Joshua had promised by covenant to protect. A time of great deception is coming, but if we have a love of the truth we will not be conned!


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.








Truth and Consequences