
Praying for Our Leaders

When we reflect on Paul’s admonition to Timothy to “pray for those in authority” we seldom stop to ponder the nature of the society, and the government at the time of Paul’s writing. So what was life like for the average person in a society ruled by the Roman empire? How did the character of the leaders affect the lives of the common person? Nero, a very complicated man, was probably the emperor when Paul wrote his epistle, so what did Paul expect a Christian to pray about?

What does the bible teach us about praying for those in positions of power? The stories of Cyrus and Darius relating to the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem gives the scriptural insight into God’s perspective, and the consequences of the prayers of God’s people for these foreign overlords. Daniel’s prayers for Nebuchadnezzar are also instructive. But perhaps the story of Ahab and Jezebel are particularly apropos to our time, mirroring in some ways the nature of our present society. What lessons can we learn?

Considering the story of Ahab, Jezebel, and Jehu, we can see that the nation’s leaders can have a profound impact on the ability of God’s people to worship Him freely – or not. With this in mind let’s be aware of how praying for our leaders could have a profound effect on today’s political landscape, as it did in the time of the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel.

In praying for our leaders, whether local, national, or international, we should remember that the biblical stories often provide us with insight into our own times. Long after the original Jezebel had faded into history, the apostle John warned the people of his day, and predicted of a future time when Jezebel, or rather her “spiritual descendant” would once again spread false teaching. Let us heed the biblical warnings and as we pray fervently for the return of the King, let us also pray for our human leaders as Paul advised.

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