law of Moses for Christians

Law of Moses for Christians?

Turmoil and terror reigned this week in Nice, France, when a terrorist killed dozens on a major thoroughfare. Death and such flagrant disregard for life, is the result of lawlessness. Christians on the other hand are called to be different, to choose life, yet statistically speaking, Christians can fall prey to many of the life-destroying practices that are common in secular society. It is perhaps a good time to re-evaluate the role of the Law of God in our lives, and consider some basic principles that should guide every Christian.

Let’s do a close examination of the Hebrew and Greek scriptures to answer some fundamental questions?

Is the law against the promises of God?
Can the law save us, or give us eternal life?
Can the lawless enter the Kingdom of God?
What must one do to become a Christian and receive the Holy Spirit?
Which words of God must Christians live by?
Did Jesus value the law of Moses?
Did Paul value the law of Moses?
Who created or revealed the law that Moses scribed?
Who was expected to obey the law of Moses?
Why was the law of Moses given to the people of God?
What teachings did the law of Moses encompass?
What were the attributes of the law and their effect in people’s lives?

Malachi, in prophesying of the days just prior to the return of Christ, the Messiah, gives every Christian a warning to remember something essential and so avoid the turmoil and terror that the world will face. What was Malachi’s admonition?

Where do we first read of Christ’s role as Messiah, and his first coming?
Who will be called “great” in the Kingdom of God?

Listen to the scriptural evidence and understand God’s basic perspective on the law of Moses for Christians.

To Learn more:
Law and Lawlessness