Access the Tree of Life

People are destroyed for lack of knowledge, but what kind of knowledge? In our time, when the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has filled the earth with the unintended consequences of human smarts and cunning, how can we gain access to the tree of life? The serpent in Eden having fallen from his status as an annointed guardian cherub at the throne of God through pride and violence, beguiled our first parents so that they cut themselves off from the tree of life. But this did not alter God’s plan, as he had made provision for just such an occurrence! From the very beginning the Creator, the Lord God, was prepared to sacrifice himself for his creation. He would heal the breech between God and man and restore the path to the tree of life for those who desired the knowledge of God. Where Adam brought death, Christ, the second Adam would bring renewal, restoration, and the access to the tree of life in God’s paradise for those who achieved the victory, living according to the knowledge of God