Ruth and Naomi God providesGod Provides Good Things

Are we trusting that God provides good things for those who love Him? Do we believe as Paul did when he wrote to the Romans that God works for the good in every circumstance of our lives? In a time of fiscal and physical uncertainties, when the wealthy privileged and protected in society trust in their riches and others on the opposite end of the financial ladder seem to suffer unduly due to the vagaries of economics, what is our security?
The stories of Abraham and Ruth give us an insight into God’s love and loyalty to his people. He is our shield and great reward, as Abraham avows. Even in difficult, life threatening circumstances God sees, He hears the prayers of His people, and He protects and delivers them. As Naomi and Ruth learned, God was the “restorer of life” who turned bitterness into peace and hope for the future.
Consider how David extols God’s goodness and care for us, His handiwork. David is confident in his assertion that God knows all the intimate details of his life; God provides good things for all those who trust Him. Be encouraged by the witness of the scriptures to God’s unfailing protection of those who are His children. He cares for you.

Learn more about God:
God’s Goodness