What is the nature of lies and why do people tell and believe lies? The scriptures give us keen insights into this issue. The Lord God of Israel,  is a place of refuge and a compassionate and just judge. However,  he hates and promises to eventually eliminate those who are false witnesses — the liars. He hates those whose lying lips are a testimony to their arrogance and contempt for God and those they deceive.

People lie for many reasons, from avoiding punishment to trying to please others and gain status or to control and manipulate. The scriptures provide cautionary tales to help us recognize and avoid the liars and their lies. What the liars and those caught up in their lies do not perceive is that lies have unavoidable negative consequences. It is only the truth, alethea, the true nature of reality that is able to point us in the right direction and help us avoid deception’s painful outcomes.

The cowards, villainous, and liars will have no part in God’s family. In contrast to the deceivers and the deceived, those who embrace God and his love of the truth have the hope of eternal life as a child of God. As those who follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the prophets and apostles, we must avoid listening to the deceivers. We are also responsible for speaking the truth in love and teaching God’s ways faithfully. Learn more about this vital issue and God’s advice to those he loves.

What God Hates



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It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.





