true doctrine Jesus' authorityIn the midst of modern culture wars the question of right and wrong looms large. In the church this becomes a question of ‘What is true doctrine’ and by whose authority is it established. In the early church the division over doctrine eventually created a great rift within the first century community. It drew a dividing line that led to the creation of distinct religious traditions – Judaism and Christianity. By the early fourth century the messages of the gospel writers had been disseminated to many regions. There was no doubt as to their authenticity, but major disputes over their interpretation But today, many have come to doubt whether the Greek scriptures are authoritative. What about you?


Authority of an Apostle

The title of apostle was conferred upon many of the writers of the Greek scriptures. Apostle meant ‘one sent, bearing authority.’  These men had been commissioned by the resurrected Jesus Christ to be witnesses on his behalf, to all the world. They were eye-witnesses to Jesus’ ministry, his death, and resurrection. So they had the authority to speak concerning the things that they had seen and heard personally. They testified to the nature of Jesus,’ that he was indeed the Christ, the prophesied Messiah. This testimony brought the apostles into direct conflict with the Jewish religious leaders who rejected Jesus’ teaching because it contradicted some of their basic beliefs.

Who Could Speak for God?

Not only did Jesus upset the business model of the religious gatekeepers, but he challenged their traditional practices on many levels. Ultimately, Jesus astonished the leaders of his day by interpreting the Hebrew scriptures with authority. And his authority was demonstrated powerfully when he healed the sick and cast out demons … things the religious elite had no power to do. So as a Christian, do you accept the witness of the writers of the gospels. Do you acknowledge Jesus’ authority to interpret scripture accurately?

Belief and Unbelief

Scripture had prophesied the coming of the Messiah as the head cornerstone, the stone the builders had rejected. Jesus’ made it plain that he was that stone, that Rock. But his authoritative teaching would make him a “stone of stumbling and rock of offence.” For many would not accept the true doctrine that Christ revealed, but would be destroyed as a result of it. The Son of Man, the Messiah, had come to reveal the Father and bring greater understanding of his purpose. But the sad reality was that the many were going to die in their unbelief. They would be unwilling or unable to accept true doctrine that seemed to contradict cherished beliefs. It seemed inconceivable to them that Christ was the ‘I AM’ who had always spoken as the Word, on the Father’s behalf. And Jesus’ word was authoritative.

Jesus the Great Shepherd

According to the witness of the gospel writers, it was only through Jesus, the Messiah, that people could come to God and be healed. He was that Great Shepherd of the sheep and the Son of God, whose works testified to his authority. And yet in his time, only the few believed his witness and the miracles. They could not acknowledge him as Lord, as Peter and Thomas did, nor could they accept that he was teaching true doctrine. And, just as Jesus’ parable predicted, the religious leaders in their blindness and unbelief sought to kill him. He was not the Messiah they had expected or wanted.

The true doctrine Jesus revealed, as he interpreted the Hebrew scriptures, was new and challenged the preconceptions of the religious. So what about you? Do you believe as Jesus’ claimed that, “all authority in heaven and earth” had been given to him. Is Jesus the highest authority when it comes to interpreting the scripture? And, do you trust the writer’s of the Greek scriptures to have accurately recorded Jesus’ words. Or, are you stumbling as the religious leaders of the first century did. Are you unable or unwilling to accept Jesus’ words and his authority as Messiah, the Son of God.
Answering the question of ‘Who interprets scripture perfectly” will have a profound influence on how you live your life. And will ultimately impact your destiny as a Christian.

Are the Greek Scriptures Authoritative?

Learn more about who has authority to interpret scripture.
The Church and the True Foundation Stone