Fellowship in the Gospel

koinonia - fellowship - partners with GodAll Things in Common

Can you imagine the excitement, the conviction, and the enthusiasm of those who were called of God in Jerusalem? They had heard Peter preach and had been baptized, then received God’s spirit. People from all over the known world had come to Jerusalem for the Holy Day season. And an amazing group of 3,000 people had been baptized. The local believers devoted themselves to the “fellowship of the gospel.” They opened their homes and sold their possessions to provide for the needs of all those God had called into the fellowship. Daily they met together, praying, eating, and sharing their lodgings. Do we in our world, have the same type of understanding when it comes to “fellowship” – koinonia?

Fellowship in the Gospel Community

The zeal for the gospel felt by these early believers was grounded in the concept of “koinonia.” They understood that they had a partnership in the community. But they also were given an opportunity to make a contribution. It was natural for them to understand their position as one of a stakeholder in their community. And, they were willing to make sacrifices. Sacrifices that would express their love, affection, and compassion for those in the fellowship. Why? Because they were an “association” that was knit together in the spirit. And, God’s love  empowered them to preach the good news.

Fellowship in the Family of God

The apostle Paul understood the greek concept of “koinonia.” It was an enterprise or partnership with family ties. Paul made it clear that Jews and Gentiles were united in God’s family — his clan. As God’s family they had a new identity in a new fellowship. With their common faith uniting them, they were able to transcend traditional social, ethnic boundaries. As one family they could provide mutual support and partake in Christ’s mission. Because of this fellowship individuals were able to escape the crushing burdens of pagan society. And they could also receive support – both physical and spiritual. As a result of  community they could begin to have a positive impact on those around them. Their fellowship in the gospel could offer spiritual light in the gloom of a decadent society. What about our fellowship? Do we have some things to learn from those early believers and their fellowship in the gospel?

What is the Gospel?
Learn more here: Gospel of the Kingdom